Press Release > Wakefit. co urges people to stay at home in this honest new year party rant featuring Kumar Varun

Wakefit. co urges people to stay at home in this honest new year party rant featuring Kumar Varun

Adfactors PR | 27/12/2022 09:21 PM

Every new year comes with a lot of excitement, hope, and multiple New Year resolutions. However, it also comes with the underlying thought of overspending every time you step out on New Year’s eve or just the pressure of celebrating New Year’s eve with some elaborate “party”. To address this,, India’s largest D2C home and sleep solutions company in association with Spring Marketing Capital,  presents the ‘Honest New Year Party Rant’ featuring popular comedian Kumar Varun. The video hilariously encapsulates what a majority of people feel about the hassle and pressure of making New Year plans.

Sharing his views on the video Prateek Malpani, Head of Brand, Wakefit. co said, “The idea for this video came from our conversations with consumers who have given a whole new meaning to home as they navigate life post-pandemic. The home has become an active dynamic space accommodating a myriad of activities rather than a passive space where it was just meant to retire after a long day. Earlier the idea of having fun meant “going out” but that has changed as voiced by our consumers who say they have a much more quality time at home when it comes to celebrations, get-togethers, and occasions. 

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